COVID 19 Latest

As the UK moves towards the final lifting of Covid-19 restrictions, we understand that you may have questions about how this will impact on you starting or continuing fertility treatment and investigations. Some of the changes made to our service due to the pandemic have been very beneficial in terms of streamlining the referral process and ensuring we can see you as quickly and efficiently as possible. However we also recognise that many will have found the restrictions difficult and are looking forward to them easing.

At the direction of NUH Trust, for now we will be continuing to minimise face to face appointments and triage all of our patients before attending the hospital. For now we will continue to offer video/telephone consults wherever possible. You will still be asked to wear a face covering whilst you are in our building. This is because we have to maintain high levels of protection for both vulnerable patients within our hospital building, but also to protect our workforce so we can continue to provide a fertility service.

Whilst we appreciate that this is a very trying and emotional journey for our patients, unfortunately at present patients must attend in person appointments alone wherever possible. We recognise that there are particular appointments in the treatment pathway where the support and presence of a partner is essential  – please ask our nursing staff about the very limited appointments where we are able to accommodate a partner being present in person.