NHS referrals and funding

When to see your GP

Heterosexual couples

If you have been having regular unprotected intercourse for a year and not become pregnant, it’s time to see your GP to get some basic fertility investigations and referral to NUH Life. If there is a known cause of infertility (e.g. tubal blockage or a low sperm count) or you are aged 35 or over, you should see your GP after 6 months of trying.

Same sex female couples/ single women

If you are a single woman or same sex couple, see your GP as soon as you are ready to start your family. If there is a known cause of infertility e.g. endometriosis, it is recommended not to delay the start of your fertility journey.

What your GP can do

When a person or couple goes to their GP for fertility support, their GP should perform some basic fertility tests:

Female tests – within 6 months of referral (for the person intending to carry the child):

  • Day 1-4 FSH and LH blood test
  • Chlamydia urine test
  • BMI

Male tests – within 12 months of referral:

  • Semen analysis – test for sperm count, motility (movement) and morphology (shape). Should be repeated three months after the first sample if the first is not normal

NHS referral to NUH Life

If you (and your partner) are:

  • A UK citizen, have indefinite leave to remain or have EU settled status, AND
  • the BMI of the person intending to carry the child is below 35

Your GP can refer you to NUH Life for NHS-funded fertility advice and investigations. You can be referred regardless of your gender, sexual orientation, relationship status and whether you have children already.

Overseas visitors

If you or your partner are in the UK on an overseas visa your GP can refer you to NUH Life as usual, but you may not be eligible to be seen on the NHS, as payment of the Immigration Health Surcharge does not cover NHS assisted conception services. (There are some exceptions to this for asylum seekers, victims of modern slavery etc.)

After your referral, we will contact you directly to confirm your residency status, and let you know whether you can be seen on the NHS, or whether you would need to fully self-fund or part-fund your appointments.

If you are not eligible for NHS-funded fertility advice and investigations because of your overseas status, you will also not be eligible for NHS-funded fertility treatment, and will need to self-fund treatment.

If you do need to self-fund, you can find information about our prices on our Self-funding page.

NHS funding for fertility treatment

Your local NHS Integrated Care Board (ICB) sets the funding criteria for NHS fertility treatment and each ICB can be slightly different. Based on our most recent information, an example of typical funding criteria is shown below.

Single women

There is no routine NHS-funded fertility treatment available for single women in Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire or Lincolnshire, however there is funding for single women who are registered at GP surgeries in Derbyshire.

Heterosexual couples in Nottinghamshire

Treatment type6 cycles of Ovulation Induction (OI) and/ or 3 cycles of Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) (as clinically appropriate)One cycle of IVF with or without ICSI, including egg and sperm donation and subsequent transfer of frozen embryos (as clinically appropriate)
Fertility history1-2 years of frequent unprotected sexual intercourse (under 35)6 months of frequent unprotected sexual intercourse (over 35 or known fertility diagnosis e.g. PCOS, male factor)Clear reproductive pathology/ unable to achieve intercourse due to disability.Neither partner has been previously sterilised.1-2 years of frequent unprotected sexual intercourseClear reproductive pathology/ unable to achieve intercourse due to disability.No more than two previous cycles of self-funded IVF/ ICSI and no frozen embryos remaining (women aged up to 40)No previous cycles of IVF/ ICSI (women aged 40-42)Neither partner has been previously sterilised.
Female age23 to 39 yearsBefore 43rd birthday
Female BMI19 to 3019 to 30
Female FSHNo criteriaDay 2-5 FSH <8.9
Family structureBoth partners to have no living children from current or previous relationships, including adoptedBoth partners to have no living children from current or previous relationships, including adopted
SmokingBoth non-smokersBoth non-smokers

Same sex female couples in Nottinghamshire

Treatment typeOne cycle of IVF with or without ICSI, including egg and sperm donation and subsequent transfer of frozen embryos (as clinically appropriate)
Fertility history6x cycles of DI treatment without becoming pregnant, or clear reproductive pathology e.g. tubal blockage. Neither partner has been previously sterilised.
Recipient ageBefore 43rd birthday
Recipient BMI19 to 30
Recipient FSHDay 2-5 FSH <8.9
Family structureBoth partners to have no living children from current or previous relationships, including adopted
SmokingBoth non-smokers

Treatment at NUH Life

At NUH Life we specialise in NHS- and self-funded ovulation induction (OI), intrauterine insemination (IUI) and donor insemination (DI) treatments. If we discover during the course of your investigations or treatment at NUH Life that IVF would give you the best chance of success, we will refer you on to the IVF clinic of your choice for NHS- or self-funded IVF as appropriate.