Tubal Patency Tests

Tubal patency (tubal opening) can be confirmed using either a hysterosalpingogram (HSG) or a laparoscopy and dye test. The decision on which form of tubal patency testing will be used will depend largely on the individual diagnosis, history and sometimes personal preference


The majority of patients will have a hysterosalpingogram (HSG) which is a simple outpatient procedure (performed in the X-Ray Department) where a dye that is visible on an X-Ray is inserted into the uterus using a fine catheter. A HSG requires no anaesthetic. More information about this procedure can be found in our separate HSG leaflet which can be found in our patient information leaflet.

Laparascopy and Dye Test (Lap/Dye)

Lap/Dye testing is a day case operation performed to help diagnose a cause for infertility. You can have the laparoscopy and dye done if you are on a period. The dye test shows whether the fallopian tubes are blocked and the laparoscopy also checks for endometriosis, pelvic infection, adhesions, ovarian cysts or fibroids. It is usually carried out under a general anaesthetic. The gynaecologist will make small incisions on your abdomen and use a fine telescope to visualise the tubes, ovaries and uterus (womb). A small amount of gas (carbon dioxide) inflates the abdomen to allow a clear view of your pelvis. The patency of tubes is checked by pushing blue dye through a cannula placed in your uterine cavity through the cervix. If the fallopian tubes are patent, fill and spillage of dye from the tubes is observed.